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Обратите внимание: Удостоверьтесь, что свойства OwnerRedraw и ParentBidiMode установлены в True.
unit fMenu; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Menus, ImgList; type TForm1 = class(TForm) ImageList1: TImageList; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; FileMenu: TMenuItem; procedure DrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private procedure MenueDrawItemX(xMenu: TMenu); public end; procedure MenueDrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MenueDrawItemX(Menu); end; procedure TForm1.DrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); begin MenueDrawItem(Sender, ACanvas, ARect, Selected); end; procedure TForm1.MenueDrawItemX(xMenu: TMenu); var i: integer; B: TBitmap; FMenuItem: TMenuItem; begin B := TBitmap.Create; B.Width := 1; B.Height := 1; for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do if Components[i] is TMenuItem then begin FMenuItem := TMenuItem(Components[i]); FMenuItem.OnDrawItem := DrawItem; if (FMenuItem.ImageIndex = -1) and (FMenuItem.Bitmap.width = 0) and (xMenu <> nil) then if FMenuItem.GetParentComponent.Name <> xMenu.Name then FMenuItem.Bitmap.Assign(b); end; B.Free; DrawMenuBar(handle); end; procedure MenueDrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); var txt: string; B: TBitmap; IConRect, TextRect: TRect; FBackColor, FIconBackColor, FSelectedBkColor, FFontColor, FSelectedFontColor, FDisabledFontColor, FSeparatorColor, FCheckedColor: TColor; i, X1, X2: integer; TextFormat: integer; HasImgLstBitmap: boolean; FMenuItem: TMenuItem; FMenu: TMenu; begin FMenuItem := TMenuItem(Sender); FMenu := FMenuItem.Parent.GetParentMenu; FBackColor := $00E1E1E1; FIconBackColor := $00D1D1D1; FSelectedBkColor := $00DCCFC7; FFontColor := clBlack; FSelectedFontColor := clNavy; FDisabledFontColor := clGray; FSeparatorColor := $00D1D1D1; FCheckedColor := clGray; if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then begin X1 := ARect.Right - 20; X2 := ARect.Right; end else begin X1 := ARect.Left; X2 := ARect.Left + 20; end; IConRect := Rect(X1, ARect.Top, X2, ARect.Bottom); TextRect := ARect; txt := ' ' + FMenuItem.Caption; B := TBitmap.Create; B.Transparent := True; B.TransparentMode := tmAuto; HasImgLstBitmap := false; if (FMenuItem.Parent.GetParentMenu.Images <> nil) or (FMenuItem.Parent.SubMenuImages <> nil) then begin if FMenuItem.ImageIndex <> -1 then HasImgLstBitmap := true else HasImgLstBitmap := false; end; if HasImgLstBitmap then begin if FMenuItem.Parent.SubMenuImages <> nil then FMenuItem.Parent.SubMenuImages.GetBitmap( FMenuItem.ImageIndex, B) else FMenuItem.Parent.GetParentMenu.Images.GetBitmap( FMenuItem.ImageIndex, B) end else if FMenuItem.Bitmap.Width > 0 then B.Assign(TBitmap(FMenuItem.Bitmap)); if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then begin X1 := ARect.Left; X2 := ARect.Right - 20; end else begin X1 := ARect.Left + 20; X2 := ARect.Right; end; TextRect := Rect(X1, ARect.Top, X2, ARect.Bottom); ACanvas.brush.color := FBackColor; ACanvas.FillRect(TextRect); if FMenu is TMainMenu then for i := 0 to FMenuItem.GetParentMenu.Items.Count - 1 do if FMenuItem.GetParentMenu.Items[i] = FMenuItem then begin ACanvas.brush.color := FIConBackColor; ACanvas.FillRect(ARect); if (FMenuItem.ImageIndex = -1) and ( FMenuItem.Bitmap.width = 0) then begin TextRect := ARect; break; end; end; ACanvas.brush.color := FIconBackColor; ACanvas.FillRect(IconRect); if FMenuItem.Enabled then ACanvas.Font.Color := FFontColor else ACanvas.Font.Color := FDisabledFontColor; if Selected then begin ACanvas.brush.Style := bsSolid; ACanvas.brush.color := FSelectedBkColor; ACanvas.FillRect(TextRect); ACanvas.Pen.color := FSelectedFontColor; ACanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; ACanvas.RoundRect(TextRect.Left, TextRect.top, TextRect.Right, TextRect.Bottom, 6, 6); if FMenuItem.Enabled then ACanvas.Font.Color := FSelectedFontColor; end; X1 := IConRect.Left + 2; if B <> nil then ACanvas.Draw(X1, IConRect.top + 1, B); if FMenuItem.Checked then begin ACanvas.Pen.color := FCheckedColor; ACanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; ACanvas.RoundRect(IconRect.Left, IconRect.top, IconRect.Right, IconRect.Bottom, 3, 3); end; if not FMenuItem.IsLine then begin SetBkMode(ACanvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT); ACanvas.Font.Name := 'Tahoma'; if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then ACanvas.Font.Charset := ARABIC_CHARSET; if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then TextFormat := DT_RIGHT + DT_RTLREADING else TextFormat := 0; if FMenuItem.Default then begin Inc(TextRect.Left, 1); Inc(TextRect.Right, 1); Inc(TextRect.Top, 1); ACanvas.Font.color := clGray; DrawtextEx(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(txt), Length(txt), TextRect, TextFormat, nil); Dec(TextRect.Left, 1); Dec(TextRect.Right, 1); Dec(TextRect.Top, 1); ACanvas.Font.color := FFontColor; end; DrawtextEx(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(txt), Length(txt), TextRect, TextFormat, nil); txt := ShortCutToText(FMenuItem.ShortCut) + ' '; if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then TextFormat := DT_LEFT else TextFormat := DT_RIGHT; DrawtextEx(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(txt), Length(txt), TextRect, TextFormat, nil); end else begin ACanvas.Pen.Color := FSeparatorColor; ACanvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left + 10, TextRect.Top + Round((TextRect.Bottom - TextRect.Top) / 2)); ACanvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 2, TextRect.Top + Round((TextRect.Bottom - TextRect.Top) / 2)) end; B.free; end; end.