Раскрывающийся список в StringGrid
На форму кладем StringGrid, ComboBox и SpeedButton.
procedure TForm3.StringGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); var R : TRect; begin if ((ACol = 1) AND (ARow <> 0)) then begin //Вставка ComboBox (delphikingdom) во 2-й стобец R := StringGrid1.CellRect(ACol, ARow); R.Left := R.Left + StringGrid1.Left; R.Right := R.Right + StringGrid1.Left; R.Top := R.Top + StringGrid1.Top; R.Bottom := R.Bottom + StringGrid1.Top; ComboBox4.Top := R.Top + 1; ComboBox4.Left := R.Left + 1; ComboBox4.Width := (R.Right + 1) - Kvadr.Left; ComboBox4.Height := (R.Bottom + 1) - Kvadr.Top; ComboBox4.Visible := True; ComboBox4.SetFocus; SpeedButton3.Visible := False; end else if ((ACol = 2) AND (ARow <> 0)) then begin //Вставка SpeedButton в 3-й стобец ComboBox4.Visible := False; R: = StringGrid1.CellRect(ACol, ARow); SpeedButton3.Top := R.Bottom - SpeedButton3.Height - 1; SpeedButton3.Left := R.Right - SpeedButton3.Width - 1; SpeedButton3.Parent := StringGrid1; SpeedButton3.Visible := True; end else begin ComboBox4.Visible := False; SpeedButton3.Visible := False; end; CanSelect := True; end;